Slavery Narratives: The Atlantic slave trade & The Native Americans  by OtGO 2013–2023, acryl on canvas 215 x 1000 cm
Slavery Narratives: The Atlantic slave trade & The Native Americans  by OtGO 2013–2023, acryl on canvas 215 x 1000 cm


„… This is a powerful installation that aims to build a narrative of inclusion and homage to the repressed in the past and projecting into the turmoil present. A panoramic view of the installation shows a throng of paintings dominated in a sombre, dark red color, and filled with numerous tiny images, which include naked human bodies, the artist’s hand prints, countless bisons, mountains of buffalo skulls, and portraits of Native Americans, all of which were inspired by real events taken place in the 19th century. OtGO’s own perspectives on history are here assembled in this longitudinal work: here the slaves brought from Africa are gathered with bison-hunting American Indians, where these very animals (bisons) were extirpated by the new Western settlers to control the indigenous population, thereby the freedom of all these disparate communities was cut short and exploited. The entire composition wraps up the whole room in these sombre paintings, where the viewer finds themselves engulfed in the tragic spirit of the past era which has its lasting continuity into our present. There is no easy escape from this room: the spectator is intentionally surrounded by the work, as it is installed on all four walls to dramatically enhance the feeling of being absorbed and overwhelmed by it.*
Uranchimeg Tsultemin

Caro Verbeek discusses a similar sensation of a viewer’s engulfed experience within an installation of Henri Matisse’s paper-cut panels placed on two walls of the room. See Verbeek, “Matisse's Installation of "La perruche et la sirène" as an Environment: An "Immersive" Experience”, Master Drawings, Summer 2012, Vol. 50, No. 2, “Modern & Contemporary Drawings” (Summer 2012), pp. 187-192.

More works on this topic:
Triptych: The GALLEYS of SOULS by OtGO 2013–2021 acryl on canvas 215 x 1000 cm

work in progress
YouTube link:

OtGO Studio 2022 (Work in Progress video)

Slavery Narratives: The Atlantic slave trade & The Native Americans  by OtGO 2013–2023, acryl on canvas 215 x 1000 cm
Detailed view: Slavery Narratives: The Atlantic slave trade & The Native Americans

Slavery Narratives: The Atlantic slave trade & The Native Americans  by OtGO 2013–2023, acryl on canvas 215 x 1000 cm
Detailed view: Slavery Narratives: The Atlantic slave trade & The Native Americans

Slavery Narratives: The Atlantic slave trade & The Native Americans  by OtGO 2013–2023, acryl on canvas 215 x 1000 cm
Detailed view: Slavery Narratives: The Atlantic slave trade & The Native Americans

Slavery Narratives: The Atlantic slave trade & The Native Americans  by OtGO 2013–2023, acryl on canvas 215 x 1000 cm
Detailed view: Slavery Narratives: The Atlantic slave trade & The Native Americans

Slavery Narratives: The Atlantic slave trade & The Native Americans  by OtGO 2013–2023, acryl on canvas 215 x 1000 cm
Detailed view: Slavery Narratives: The Atlantic slave trade & The Native Americans

Slavery Narratives: The Atlantic slave trade & The Native Americans  by OtGO 2013–2023, acryl on canvas 215 x 1000 cm
Detailed view: Slavery Narratives: The Atlantic slave trade & The Native Americans

Slavery Narratives: The Atlantic slave trade & The Native Americans  by OtGO 2013–2023, acryl on canvas 215 x 1000 cm
Detailed view: Slavery Narratives: The Atlantic slave trade & The Native Americans

„… Dies ist eine kraftvolle Installation, die darauf abzielt, eine Erzählung des Themas und eine Hommage an das in der Vergangenheit Unterdrückte zu schaffen und in die turbulente Gegenwart zu projizieren. Ein Panoramablick auf die Installation zeigt eine Ansammlung von Gemälden, die in einer düsteren, dunkelroten Farbe dominieren und mit zahlreichen winzigen Bildmotiven gefüllt sind, darunter nackte menschliche Körper, Handabdrücke des Künstlers, unzählige Bisons, Berge von Büffelschädeln und Porträts von Native Americans, die alle durch reale Ereignissen aus dem 19. Jahrhundert inspiriert wurden. OtGOs eigene Perspektive auf die Geschichte wird in einem großen Längsformat zusammengefasst: Die aus Afrika mitgebrachten Sklaven werden vom Künstler bei amerikanischen Indianern, die Bisons jagen, versammelt, und zwar genau an dem Ort, wo die Bisons von den neuen westlichen Siedlern ausgerottet wurden, um die indigene Bevölkerung zu kontrollieren. So die Siedler die Freiheit all dieser unterschiedlichen Gemeinschaften in ihrem Lebensraum beschneiden und sie ausnutzen. Die gesamte Komposition erfüllt fast den gesamten Raum mit diesen düsteren Gemälden, mit denen der Betrachter in gewisser Weise in den tragischen Geist der vergangenen Ära eintaucht, deren Nachwirkungen sich bis in unsere Gegenwart entfalten. Es gibt kein einfaches Entkommen aus diesem Raum: Der Betrachter ist gezielt von der Arbeit, die an allen vier Wänden des Raumes installiert ist, umgeben, um das Gefühl, von ihr absorbiert und überwältigt zu werden, dramatisch zu verstärken.*
Uranchimeg Tsultemin

Caro Verbeek diskutiert ein ähnliches Gefühl der verschlungenen Erfahrung eines Betrachters im Rahmen einer Installation von Henri Matisses aus Papier geschnittenen Tafeln, die an zwei Wänden des Raums angebracht sind. Siehe Verbeek, „Matisse's Installation of „La perruche et la sirène“ as an Environment: An „Immersive“ Experience“, Master Drawings, Sommer 2012, Bd. 50, Nr. 2, „Modern & Contemporary Drawings“ (Sommer 2012), S. 187–192.

Slavery Narratives: The Atlantic slave trade & The Native Americans  by OtGO 2013–2023, acryl on canvas 215 x 1000 cm
Detailed view: Slavery Narratives: The Atlantic slave trade & The Native Americans

Slavery Narratives: The Atlantic slave trade & The Native Americans  by OtGO 2013–2023, acryl on canvas 215 x 1000 cm
Detailed view: Slavery Narratives: The Atlantic slave trade & The Native Americans

Slavery Narratives: The Atlantic slave trade & The Native Americans  by OtGO 2013–2023, acryl on canvas 215 x 1000 cm
Detailed view: Slavery Narratives: The Atlantic slave trade & The Native Americans

Slavery Narratives: The Atlantic slave trade & The Native Americans  by OtGO 2013–2023, acryl on canvas 215 x 1000 cm
Detailed view: Slavery Narratives: The Atlantic slave trade & The Native Americans

Slavery Narratives: The Atlantic slave trade & The Native Americans  by OtGO 2013–2023, acryl on canvas 215 x 1000 cm
Detailed view: Slavery Narratives: The Atlantic slave trade & The Native Americans



Slavery Narratives: The Atlantic slave trade & The Native Americans  by OtGO 2013–2023, acryl on canvas 215 x 1000 cm
Detailed view: Slavery Narratives: The Atlantic slave trade & The Native Americans

Slavery Narratives: The Atlantic slave trade & The Native Americans  by OtGO 2013–2023, acryl on canvas 215 x 1000 cm
Detailed view: Slavery Narratives: The Atlantic slave trade & The Native Americans


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